Food additive manufacturer
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Anhui Zeguan Food Technology Co., Ltd.

Mobile phone:133-9957-8799

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Address:Building 13, Phase I Standardized Factory Building, Xiaoxian Economic Development Zone, Suzhou City, Anhui Province


What are the requirements for food additives in China?

2020-10-29 09:56:58

The basic requirement for the use of food additives is that they should not cause any health hazards to human beings. Food spoilage should not be covered up;

Food additives shall not be used for the purpose of doping, adulteration or forgery to cover up quality defects in the food itself or in the processing process;

Should not reduce the nutritional value of the food itself; Use as little as possible in food to achieve the desired effect; Processing AIDS used in the food industry should generally be removed before the final product, except for the amount of residues in the prescribed food.

Food additives to non-toxic, do not destroy the food nutrition and quality, the amount of less effective fruit is obvious, can be analyzed and identified.After entering the human body, can participate in the normal metabolism of the human body, or can pass through the normal detoxification process in vitro, or not be absorbed and excreted in the body. Note the concentration of food additives used: LD is the lethal dose, LD5.Represents half of the lethal dose, MNL represents the maximum of the non-active dose, and ADI represents the daily allowable intake.

The limit in the health index is MNL.When food additives can be used: to maintain or improve the nutritional value of the food itself;As a necessary ingredient or ingredient of certain special dietary foods;To improve the quality and stability of food and its sensory properties;Facilitate the production, processing, packaging, transportation or storage of food.

Food additive

According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Food additives use Standards", there are clear rules on the use of food additives, the provisions have a lot of answer, listed as follows.

1. The food additives used should not cause any health hazards to human body.

2. Food additives shall not be used for the purpose of doping, adulteration or forgery to cover up quality defects in the food itself or in the processing process.

3, the use of food additives should not reduce the nutritional value of food itself.

4. Reduce the amount of food as much as possible under the premise of achieving the desired effect.

5. The dosage of the additive in food ingredients should not exceed the permitted dosage.

6. The amount of the additive brought into the food by the ingredients shall be significantly lower than the level normally required to add it directly to the food.

7. These ingredients shall be used under normal production process conditions and the content of the additive in the food shall not exceed the level brought by the ingredients.

Above a few food additive manufacturer is the use standard of a few food additive that enumerate for everybody, hope to be helpful to everybody.

If you have any need, please contact us!

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Add:Building 13, Phase I Standardized Factory Building, Xiaoxian Economic Development Zone, Suzhou City, Anhui Province

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